Will my Custody Arrangement in CA Interfere with my Vacation Plans?

Pleasanton CA Child Custody attorneySharing custody with another parent is an effective way to promote stability and healthy connections in the life of your child. For all its benefits however, there are many complications and issues that are sure to arise in even the best-tailored custody plan amongst parents who enjoy working together. 

The ideal scenario aside, everyone’s shared custody arrangement and individual interpersonal dynamics can vary a lot. One common trend we see however is that vacations always bring a slew of additional complications, especially if the parents aren’t on the best terms. 

So what’s the best approach when it comes to planning a vacation when you co-parent or share custody in CA? Here’s a quick breakdown of do’s and don’ts as it pertains to child custody laws and potential liabilities/risks. 

Always Consult with the Other Parent First!

In general, custody plans will account for holidays, vacations, etc. and many times there is no need for additional planning. Things change however and a custody plan can’t always account for every situation, and this is where parents run into trouble. 

If your vacation plans deviate from what’s already outlined, you need to get written permission from the other parent. This is especially important if you’re planning to travel out of state. You’ll want to do this via a form of written communication where the other parent clearly outlines or understands, dates, planned locations, etc. 

If the other parent refuses, or is not being cooperative, you have the option to file a Request for Order with the CA family law courts. You’ll have to prove your cause to the courts, but it does provide an alternative avenue for when the other parent says no.

Don’t Travel Out of State if Your Case is Pending

If your custody plan is still in the air and you’re currently working through your custody case, you absolutely should NOT travel to another state or country without written permission from the other parent. This could jeopardize your outcome and give the courts the impression that your vacation is more important than the child’s well-being, as well as the other parent’s rights. 

Be Proactive and Plan Ahead

Your best bet is to accommodate for all the travel you plan to do when mapping out your custody plan via the family law courts. For this, and for any future modifications of existing parenting plans, the best way to push things forward is to consult with a qualified family law attorney.

At the White Oak Law, our seasoned family law attorneys wield extensive experience as we work to craft effective strategies in all matters or disputes relating to family law. If you have any questions about traveling with your child during or after your divorce, or any other custody matter, don’t hesitate to reach out to our legal experts. 

Call us today at 925-271-0999 to connect with our team of CA family law experts today.