Should I Share Details About my Divorce to my Therapist?

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyDivorce can be difficult on everyone including yourself, your children, and other loved ones. Even if this isn’t your first divorce, the psychological effects of going through the divorce process cannot be understated, and it’s not uncommon for people to experience depression, anger, and in some cases post-traumatic stress disorder.

One way people help cope with these hurdles and challenges is via therapy. For today’s post, we’re discussing whether it’s a good idea to share details of your divorce with your therapist, and what to keep in mind as you seek his/her input and counsel.

A Therapist Can Help Ensure You’re on the Right Track

As difficult as divorce is, the fact is there is a light at the end of the tunnel and life goes on. It’s important for you to be prepared to move forward which can be difficult if you’re struggling with unresolved emotional and psychological issues. A therapist can be essential in helping ensure you’re on a good path once the dust settles.

Therapists are Bound by Confidentiality

Professional therapists are required to keep their interactions with clients confidential. The only exception to this is when a client admits to a crime or potentially threatens to harm themselves or others. Given the confidential nature of therapy, there is little chance of anyone finding out and using this against you. 

When They Know: Can Therapy Be Used Against You?

What about in cases where the ex and the family law courts know that you’re going to therapy, even if the specifics are confidential? In general, the family law courts approve of individuals who seek help and active improvement, so it’s not likely that the ex would be effective at using this against you. It might play a bigger role in custody battles but only in terms of the courts ensuring that you are fit to parent. 

Get specific counsel about your particular legal needs by connecting with a qualified family law attorney. Connect with us at the White Oak Law to learn more about how we can help. Give us a call at 925-271-0999 to book a initial consultation.